"I am regular follower of your blog and it has really, really, really awesome info for testers who wants to move towards automation.
"I would like to know a few things :
- "Sometimes you talk about Selenium WebDriver with Java
- "Sometimes you talk about about Groovy with Rest WebServices
- "Sometimes you speak about SDET roles with algorithms
- "Sometimes you talk about protractor with java script
"Please guide me how to understand this?
"Thanks & Regards
Dear S.J.,
It is VERY difficult for me to get experience in all of these things.
I am not an expert. I may become an expert if I try real hard for the next two or three years, but by then, a brand-new automation toolset will come out, and I will be a newbie, a novice, just like before.
I am still not used to programming. I have only been doing it on-the-job for two years. There is so much to learn! I always feel like I am about to drown in all the information that I need to know. Somehow, I have managed to keep my head above water, and I am very thankful for that.
The reason why my blog jumps from topic to topic is because my job does, too. A new manager, a new job, a new direction leads to a new automated toolset to learn. Coming up with sample code for my blog is how I scramble to catch up.
I have to tell you, I have never had more fun in my twenty year career as I am having right now in my adventure in automation!
I hope you are having fun, too! If we all keep at it enough, one day, we all will become experts!
As always, Happy Testing!
-T.J. Maher
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// Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Software Tester since 1996.
// Contributing Writer for TechBeacon.
// "Looking to move away from manual QA? Follow Adventures in Automation on Facebook!"
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