January 30, 2016

Code Review Request, Please! Automated Test Framework in Selenium WebDriver / Java

Hello! Thank you for stopping by! I have a favor to ask, if you don't mind...

Code Review Request

Are you familiar with writing a test automation framework in Selenium WebDriver / Java? If so, I was wondering if I could please ask a favor from you?

Automate Amazon:
A sample project in order to practice designing automated tests. 
  1. I'd like to request a Code Review for my project Automate Amazon, a practice Selenium WebDriver test automation framework that I wrote during my Christmas Break, attempting to use what I have learned at Fitbit-Boston. 
  2. After, could you leave gentle constructive criticism in the comments section at the end of this page?
  3. Over the next few weeks I will be blogging about my refactoring efforts. I'll make sure to quote or paraphrase your contribution as I talk about the refactoring effort.  

About My Project 

You see...

... I've been working as an automation developer for about a year, now, working with the team writing an automated test framework in Selenium WebDriver / Java for Fitbit's online shopping cart.

Over Christmas Break, I decided to take what I have learned so far and write a practice framework versus Amazon.com's shopping cart. I have spent a few days writing it and the past few weeks blogging about it.

You can see what I have so far on my GitHub account at https://github.com/tjmaher/automate-amazon.

About My Background

Although I have fifteen years of software testing experience, I'm still new at being an automation engineer with only a year of experience.

Grad school for me? It took place before Agile really took off.

Back then? We were still using Java 2 or 3... So I have spent MANY nights and weekends trying to make up for lost time as you can see from this blog's table of contents.

Or you could see it from the stuff on my Kindle and in bookcase. It's filled with stuff by Robert C. "Uncle Bob" Martin, Martin Fowler, Michael Feathers, Andrew Hunt, some Head First stuff, a certain piece from The Gang of Four.... And one from by my favorite online instructor, Alan Richardson's Java for Testers.

About Software Design Principles Used

Some software design principles are so cut and DRY that they were easy to incorporate into designing this automation framework. We have layers of abstraction in order to make sure we Don't Repeat Yourself:

  • Test Classes: Tests should only go in a test class. 
  • Page Object classes: Is there a page such as a LoginPage, or a ShoppingCartReviewPage? Make sure that selectors for all radio buttons, dropdown lists, text boxes, buttons, and other web elements, and other elements that touch the web document are contained here. 
  • Common Utilities library: Wrap all Selenium / Java calls to handle any and all failures. Only at this level should this base page object make Selenium calls to touch the page. 
  • Actions classes: Need to log into a page? That module would be stored in an actions classes. Try to only call these components into tests, to make them modular. The action classes should call only Page Objects. 

Some, though, I really don't have down SOLID enough to incorporate into the Java automation framework. An explanation on how the SOLID principles pertains to the automated test framework I have attempted to create would be very helpful!

And We Have Problems!

There are problems, though, with the Automate Amazon test framework... It doesn't exactly work.

It's the DriverUtils class. It's my first time writing one on my own.

Running a single test, it's fine.

I tried to add on functionality to support data driven tests in TestNG's XML format, and tests just couldn't run in parrallel once they were set up.

So, if you happen to be free, could you review my code and leave your comments below?

Thank you so much! :) Thank you for doing this.

Happy Reviewing!

-T.J. Maher
 Sr. QA Engineer, Fitbit
 Boston, MA

// Automated tester for [ 11 ] month and counting!

Please note: 'Adventures in Automation' is a personal blog about automated testing. It is not an official blog of Fitbit.com

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