Tomorrow, November 28th, 2018, Lisa Crispin, from, will be giving a webinar on modelling an automation strategy, brought to you by Mabl, a sponsor of the Meetup I run, the Ministry of Testing - Boston.
"Test automation has been a controversial subject for decades. In this new age of continuous delivery, it’s safe to say that most teams will not succeed with frequent delivery to production at a sustainable pace without automating at least some significant part of their regression testing, as well as other types of testing such as performance and reliability. In this three part webinar, we’ll explore how your team can use visual models to formulate and implement a test automation strategy that will achieve your goals.
"In Part I, we will look at why teams struggle to get traction on test automation, and how using a visual model can help them get past the painful parts of an automation journey. We’ll start with the classic test automation pyramid from Mike Cohn, and explore some of the interesting variations that have grown out of it".
Register Here:
Happy Testing!
-T.J. Maher
Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test
Meetup Organizer, Ministry of Testing - Boston
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