July 11, 2017

New MoT-Boston Meetup with Angie Jones tonight!

Right now, I am heading to another Ministry of Testing - Boston meetup. Tonight's special guest will be Angie Jones!

Like a director hosting a Q & A session at a film festival after a movie has been screened, after watching her April 2017 "The Build That Cried Broken" http://youtu.be/VotJqV4n8ig Angie Jones, newly employed at Twitter, will be giving a talk via webconference. 

We have 20 people signed up. I hope at least 15 show! 

I swear, we have four hundred new members since January 2017 (700 total) and only ten might show on average. I wonder if it is the location, if iZotope or Cengage Learning are too out of the way? 

I have an enormous bag of swag to give away. SmartBear hoodies, pens and stickers. Sauce Labs T-Shirts and bike reflectors. Ministry of Testing stickers and pins. I just have more swag than attendees!

It was a good day today. I gave an hour presentation and demo on this Summer's Appiuum projects. I think it went well!

Here's hoping!

-T.J. Maher
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// Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Software Tester since 1996.
// Contributing Writer for TechBeacon.
// "Looking to move away from manual QA? Follow Adventures in Automation on Facebook!"

1 comment:

Oliver Beth said...

That sounds great and the best thing I liked about it was the movie screening that you have mentioned. It made me remember the time when I was watching Once Upon a Time in Londongrad online at such screen.